Today’s episode of The Annex Sociology Podcast features a discussion about conspiracy theories and conspiracy entrepreneurs with Aaron Hyzen (University of Antwerp) and Hilde Van den Bulck (Drexel University). They recently published “Conspiracies, Ideological Entrepreneurs, and Digital Popular Culture” in Media and Communications.
Photo Credit. By 911conspiracy – https://www.flickr.com/photos/14638975@N04/2220050399/, CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=14689462
2 thoughts on “Conspiracy Theories and Conspiracy Entrepreneurs (Hyzen & Van den Bulck)”
Hey Annex, longtime listener here. I’ve been eagerly following the recent thread of episodes on movements and epistemic/cultual authority (antivax/cults/fear/etc); good stuff. Anyway, did this ep get pulled from streaming for some reason? Sounds like a conspiracy to me!
No! There is some sort of technical problem. Thank you for notifying us.