The Assistant Professor Annex Takeover continues with Jean Beaman (UC Santa Barbara), Neda Magabouleh (University of Toronto) and special guest Patrick Inglis (Grinnell College). In this episode, the gang discusses the recent “Comradely Professor” in the Chronicle of Higher Education.
Jean Beaman is an Assistant Professor of Sociology at the University of California, Santa Barbara. She recently published Citizen Outsider: Children of North African Immigrants in France with University of California Press.
Neda Magbouleh is an Assistant Professor of Sociology at the University of Toronto. She recently published The Limits of Whiteness: Iranian-Americans & the Everyday Politics of Race with Stanford University Press.
Patrick Inglis is an Assistant Professor of Sociology at Grinnell College. He recently published Narrow Fairways: Getting By and Falling Behind in the New India with Oxford University Press.