The Trump Administration proposed making publicly-funded open access upon publication. The ASA started sounding the alarms.
American Sociological Association
Our coverage of the 2019 ASA election continues with an interview of Presidential candidate Aldon Morris.
Our coverage of the 2019 ASA election continues with an interview of Presidential candidate Shelley Correll
Our 2019 ASA election coverage continues with an interview of Vice Presidential candidate Rhacel Salazar-Parrenas.
Our coverage of the 2019 ASA election continues with an interview of Vice Presidential candidate Jennifer Earl.
This week, The Annex sits down with Brian McCabe of Georgetown University. Brian is the author of No Place Like Home: Wealth Community and the Politics of Homeownership (2016, Oxford University Press). We discuss homeownership policy in the United States. Also, researcher misconduct charges were levied against one author of the Sokal Squared hoax, and how to improve the ASA […]
Joe, Leslie, Gabriel and Fabio Rojas (Indiana University) discuss his and Rashawn Ray’s (University of Maryland, College Park) plans for their editorship of Contexts. Fabio Rojas is the current editor of Contexts Magazine, and is the author of From Black Power to Black Studies: How a Radical Social Movement Became […]
Gabriel makes the case to Joe, Leslie, and Elizabeth Popp-Berman (SUNY Albany) about whether the ASA should replace round tables with more poster sessions.
We discuss economists and their influence in higher education, political upheaval, and Dream Hoarders.
We discuss ASA Presidential candidate Mary Romero's platform statement, in which she calls for us to do away with "false notions of objectivity".