We meet the person behind the Steak Umm Twitter account, and learn how a commercial meat product used sociology to gain social media follows.
public sociology
How much should the discipline value public scholarship? What to make of public scholarship on new media?
We ask discuss recent psych findings that might suggest why there's a pressure to go partisan when doing public scholarship.
A discussion about Fabio Rojas' contention that sociologists' failure to prioritize public impact hinders their influence over policy.
We discuss whether social scientists do enough to communicate the limits of their knowledge in public debate.
This week, The Annex sits down with Daniel Laurison of Swarthmore. Along with his co-author Sam Friedman, wrote The Class Ceiling: Why It Pays to be Privileged (Policy Press). We also discuss the Oscars, mesearch and autoethnography, and scholars' obligation to teach the public about science's limits.
Joe, Leslie, and Corey Fields (Georgetown University) discuss R. Kelly and reports that journal submissions are way up. Also, an interview with Jay Livingston of Montclair State about reports of a loneliness epidemic
Joe sits down with Jay Livingston (Montclair State) to discuss reports of a loneliness epidemic, and how sociologists wage a never-ending battle against appealing but empirically unsupported media stories. Jay is the author of Montclair SocioBlog, one of the longest-running blogs in the discipline.
Joe, Leslie, Gabriel, and Jooyoung Lee (University of Toronto) discuss a recent study that finds the public places roughly equal amounts of trust in sociologists and economists, and why sociologists obsess over economists.