A podcast about academic sociology for academic sociologists
A podcast about academic sociology for academic sociologists

Annex Live Premiere with Episode on Sociology of Science

The Annex Live is a YouTube live stream and podcast series that features discussions on cutting-edge sociological research and its application to real-world problems. Each episode focuses on a new book, its associated sociological subfield, and the practical concerns that the field engages. This series is a collaboration between The Annex Sociology Podcast and Contexts Magazine.

This pilot series premieres with an excellent panel:


A YouTube Live discussion about recent developments in the Sociology of Science, Knowledge, and Technology, and how sociology might inform practical questions about how to organize the work of scientists. Confirmed guests:

  • JP Pardo-Guerra, University of California San Diego.  JP recently published The Quantified Scholar (2022), a study of how the British academy attempted to improve research productivity through quantitative assessment.
  • Charles Gomez, University of Arizona.  Charles is a computational sociologist who studies the diffusion of ideas and the development of informational networks

Tuesday, November 15 at 12:15 PM Eastern Time on YouTube Live

More info: https://socannex.commons.gc.cuny.edu/event/the-organization-of-science-affects-knowledge/
YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=veU-fGIodd0&ab_channel=TheAnnexSociologyPodcast
ASA Section on Science, Knowledge and Technology: https://asaskat.com/

For more information, contact Joseph Cohen at [email protected] 

The Quantified Scholar

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