This week, The Annex sits down with Melissa Wilde from the University of Pennsylvania. Melissa is a comparative-historical sociologists who wrote Vatican II: A Sociological Analysis of Religious Change
with Princeton University Press. We discuss her upcoming book, which explores an early chapter of America’s evolving culture wars by discusses the relationship between race anxiety and the evolution of contraception. Wilde also discusses her recent article in The Conversation arguing that the Vatican II offers the Roman Catholic Church a means of dealing with their sex scandal.
In addition, we discuss:
- The Sokal Squared hoax, in which several humanities journals were embarrassed by the publication of hoax papers,
- The John Jay scandal, in which several faculty have been accused of sexual misconduct (including rape) and distributing drugs to students.
- Donna Strickland, University of Waterloo physics professor who won a Nobel Prize before promotion to full professor (Kieran Healy tweet).