A special episode in cooperation with Dr. Robert Francis (Whitworth University) and his students. Bob spoke with Dr. Elizabeth Seale (SUNY-Oneonta) about her 2023 book Understanding Poverty: A Relational Approach, published by Polity Press. Dr. Seale has conducted studies on poverty, culture, inequality, rural communities, and more.
We discuss a recent argument between the Washington Post's Robert Samuel and sociologist David Brady.
In this episode, we speak with David Brady from the University of California, Riverside’s School of Public Policy , and author of Rich Democracies, Poor People: How Politics Explain Poverty (Oxford University Press). He discusses the comparative study of policy and poverty, and the value of an international perspective in the study of […]
We interview John Eason from Texas A&M, and author of Big House on the Prairie: Rise of the Rural Ghetto and Prison Proliferation (University of Chicago Press) . We also discuss representation at ESS plenary sessions (0:50) and class inequality (19:25).