An interview with Judith Stacey (NYU), a towering figure in gender studies, interviewed by Philip Cohen (Maryland)
comparative research
This episode features a roundtable discussion about Canadian sociology. It features Rima Wilkes (University of British Columbia), Howard Ramos (Dalhousie University), Liam Swiss (Memorial University), and Dale Ballucci (Western). Topics include Trumpism’s potential in Canada, cultural differences with the United States, how Canadian sociology differs from American sociology, issues in […]
David Brady discusses the comparative study of policy and poverty, and the value of an international perspective in the study of poverty
In this episode, we speak with David Brady from the University of California, Riverside’s School of Public Policy , and author of Rich Democracies, Poor People: How Politics Explain Poverty (Oxford University Press). He discusses the comparative study of policy and poverty, and the value of an international perspective in the study of […]